Day Seven (In Class): Introducing the Digital Autobiography
Miss Ruth's Digital Story
Watch this video Miss Ruth created to share about her experiences teaching music to kids around the world!
Introducing the Final Assignment: Digital Autobiography
The part of the brain that is used when we are using our musical creativity (like when jazz musicians improvise) is the same part of the brain that lights up when we are describing ourselves. So, developing our creativity helps us learn about who we are.
Creativity is also used in problem-solving, communication, and self-control, so it helps us be better friends, siblings, citizens, and students.
We will be starting our final project this week, which will be a personal Digital Autobiography that shares something about yourself and music. An autobiography is a story someone tells about him or herself. Your digital story will be created in Google Slides and will use images, music, spoken word or written word, to tell a story about who you are. You can use your cultural history project from earlier this year or share something new about your culture, who you are, or what music means to you.
The rubric for your project is below:
Creativity is also used in problem-solving, communication, and self-control, so it helps us be better friends, siblings, citizens, and students.
We will be starting our final project this week, which will be a personal Digital Autobiography that shares something about yourself and music. An autobiography is a story someone tells about him or herself. Your digital story will be created in Google Slides and will use images, music, spoken word or written word, to tell a story about who you are. You can use your cultural history project from earlier this year or share something new about your culture, who you are, or what music means to you.
The rubric for your project is below:
Your digital story must be about music in some way. It must be 1 minute (or 1/2 a page to 1 page long), must use images, music, and words. You will create your project through Google Slides and submit any other materials through Google Drive.
Choosing Your Topic
Take time to look through your cultural history project and think about the short story you will tell about yourself and music, your culture's music, or music. When you are finished, check out at least one of these digital stories as examples of what you will be doing:
Ticket out the Door
Share with your teacher your idea for your own digital autobiography!