Day Three (In Class): Famous Jazz Musicians
"Story of My Life" by One Direction
Watch this video by One Direction to see how they used music to tell a story about themselves!
Talk to a partner about what you learned about each of the One Direction members (Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn) because of their lyrics, music, and images they used.
In this video, the band members used multiple tools to express themselves, including images, sounds, and words.
In this video, the band members used multiple tools to express themselves, including images, sounds, and words.
Reading about Jazz Musicians
Each person has their own story that is worth sharing with others. Just like One Direction, famous early jazz musicians had a story that led them to create the music they did. The way they grew up, their culture, and where they came from gave them a unique story only they could tell.
We are going to learn about 7 important "figures" (people) in jazz history by reading about them on PBS Kids. Your teacher will assign you to one of the 7 jazz musicians. Read about your figure and be ready to talk about him or her with other people who also read about them!
We are going to learn about 7 important "figures" (people) in jazz history by reading about them on PBS Kids. Your teacher will assign you to one of the 7 jazz musicians. Read about your figure and be ready to talk about him or her with other people who also read about them!
Quiz Time!
After discussing what you learned about your jazz figure with classmates who also learned about them, work together as a class to help your teacher take a quiz on the important facts about each jazz musician. Work with your team to help your teacher answer the questions.